Thursday, 23 September 2010

List of Former Arkham Inhabitants

This is a list of all individuals mentioned in Call of Cthulhu books as living in Arkham at one time, but no longer living there in the 1920s. It is a work in progress and will be added to as and when I have time.

Note that there are spoilers in this table.

Surname First Name(s) Description Current Residence/Death1 Reference
-- Marsella Haitian housekeeper, voodoo priestess 1905 DON
Addleson Dr -- President of Miskatonic University -- 625
Ames Peter Entomber of Sermon Bishop fl.1752 TC
Armitage Abigail Buried in Old Wooded Graveyard 1694 401
Armitage Jeremiah Early settler 1600s AU
Axton Peter "Dump" Miskatonic University football coach 1918 608
Baldwin George Journalist, historian fl.1844 TC
Billington Alijah Opponent of Ward Phillips 1700s TAA
Botsford Harriet Benefactor of the Harriet Botsford Hotel for Women D 628
Carter Christopher Great-uncle of Randolph Carter 190x 1003
Carter Randolph Dreamer, writer -- 401, 403, 1002, 1003, AU, TAA
Checkley Mrs Rose Wife of Jason Checkley 1903 DON
Copley -- Three sons lost in the Civil War 186x 614
Crane Jeremiah Entomber of Sermon Bishop fl.1752 TC
Curwen Tristram Early settler 1600s AU
Derby Capt Francis Sea captain, executor of Jeremiah Orne fl.1761-1765 AU
Derby Nathaniel Pickman Foundation founder -- AU
Dunham Philip Husband of Emily Dunham D TAA
Estheridge Andrew Mill-owner D DON
Fowler Goody -- Witch 1704 402, 1009, AU
Gardner Nahum Farmer -- 1010
Goddard Trisham Possible sorcerer & revenant 1810 408
Halden John Benefactor [?], Arkham Historical Society -- TC
Halsey Dr Allan Dean of Medicine, Miskatonic University 1905 616, AU, TAA
Helmsley Maryanne Thurber, Lady Daughter of Howard Thurber 1915 TAA
Johnson Mrs Abigail Thurber Daughter of Howard Thurber Hanover, In TAA
Locksley George Executor of Jeremiah Orne fl.1765 AU
Noyes Jebel Entomber of Sermon Bishop fl.1752 TC
Olney Eliot Lost part of house to cannonball fl.1866 502
Orne Capt Jeremiah Sea captain, founder of Miskatonic University 1765 AU
Orne Mrs Sophia Harris Sister of Emily Dunham D TAA
Peabody Abel Early settler 1600s AU
Peabody Eleanor Benefactor of the Eleanor Peabody Charity Home D 504
Phillips Elihu Farmer, entomber of Sermon Bishop fl.1752 TC
Phillips Rev Ward Minister, First Baptist Church of Arkham 1700s 715, TAA, TC
Pickering Mrs Ethel Sea captain's wife fl.1828 301
Pickering John Adams First President of Miskatonic Liberal College fl.1760s AU
Pickering Capt Thomas Sea captain fl.1828 301
Pickering Col Timothy Revolutionary War hero D TAA
Pierce Capt James Entomber of Sermon Bishop fl.1752 TC
Pingree Mrs Ethel Co-founder of the Arkham Historical Society 1906 TC
Pingree Capt James Sea captain fl.1761 TC
Piper Dr Amos Department of Anthropology, Miskatonic University -- 902
Quamis -- Indian compatriot of Alijah Billington 1700s TAA
Russel Richard Wizard D TC
Saltonstall Capt Eli Sea captain, founder of Arkham's first textile mill fl.1796 AU
Svlatsov Mrs Gina Czeklov Daughter of Peter Czeklov Bolton, Ma TAA
Thurber Mrs Abigail Pierce Wife of Howard Thurber 1905 TAA
Thurber Mrs Grace Howard -- 1800s TAA
Thurber Marion Powell -- 1800s TAA
Tyner Dr Charles Scientist, MU graduate Unknown 613
Upham Dorothy Grace Benefactor of Miskatonic University 1875 620
West Dr Herbert Physician, reanimator, MU graduate 1922 1006, ALK, TAA
Wharton Mrs Mary Elliot Benefactor of St Mary's Hospital 1892 611
Wharton Mrs Rota Czeklov Daughter of Peter Czeklov Salem, Ma TAA
Whately Jebel Early settler 1600s AU
White Allen Entomber of Sermon Bishop fl.1752 TC
Williams Ethan Entomber of Sermon Bishop 1814 TC

1 D = Deceased (year of death uncertain)

Abbreviations for Sources

Note that I've been playing and collecting CoC books a long time. The books listed will generally be the first edition unless otherwise noted.

Abbreviation Scenario etc Book
101-1015 Gazetteer Arkham Unveiled
ALK "A Little Knowledge" Arkham Unveiled
AU Introductory chapters Arkham Unveiled
DON "Dead of Night" Arkham Unveiled
TAA The Arkham Advertiser (insert) Arkham Unveiled
TC "The Condemned" Arkham Unveiled

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