Note that there are spoilers in this table.
Surname | First Name(s) | Address1 | Description | Source(s)2 |
-- | -- | 201 E Derby St (h) | Unidentified inmate of Arkham Sanitarium, narrator of "The Festival" | 201 |
-- | Art | 139 E Armitage St (w) | Proprietor of Art's Billiards | 215 |
-- | Dan | 721 N Garrison St (w) | Speakeasy bartender | 104 |
-- | Greg "the Monster" | Rivershore (h) | Vagrant, cannibal | 501 |
-- | Hiram | 211 N East St (h/w) | Junkman | 512 |
-- | Josh | 387 W Armitage St (w) | Co-proprietor of The Desolate Highway Café | 129 |
-- | Mona | 615 S French Hill St (h) | Prostitute, petty thief | 914 |
-- | Sam | 721 N Garrison St (w) | Speakeasy doorman | 104 |
-- | Virgilio "Big Red" | 620 S French Hill St (w) | Manager of the Unione Italiano | 913 |
Abbott | J. J. | 588 Jenkin St (w) | Taxidermist | 119 |
Abbott | Dr Lawrence | Charles Tyner Science Annex (w) | Department of Engineering, Dean of Applied Sciences, Miskatonic University | 612 |
Aberstrom | Miss Jenny | 288 W Church St (w) | Beautician, hairdresser | 432 |
Ace | Richard Henry | 433 W Main St (w) | Locksmith, proprietor of Ace Alarms & Lock-Safes | 415 |
Adams | Chief Benijah | 418 E Armitage St (w) | Fire Chief | 236 |
Adams | Rider | 421 E Main St (w) | Proprietor of Arkham General Store | 502 |
Adams | -- | 315 E Water St (w) | Proprietor of Adams Lumber Yard | 240 |
Alewife | Anthony | 670 Gedney St (f) | Miskatonic University student, amateur actor | TAA |
Allen | Miss Beatrice | 753 Noyes St (h) | Madwoman | 303 |
Ambrose | Joe | 750 E Armitage St (w) | Maintenance man at Arkham Worsted Mills, coven member | 1007 |
Ames | Enod | 406 W Miskatonic Ave (h) | House painter, handyman | TC |
Ames | Dr SWanson | Liberal Arts Building (w) | Department of English, Miskatonic University, Director of Miskatonic University Press | 615 |
Anderson | Arthur | 422 N Garrison St (w) | Manager of the First National Grocery Store | 243, K402 |
Anderson | Ben | 353 W Main St | Proprietor of Anderson's Furniture & Carpets | 417 |
Anderson | -- | 650 Armitage St (w) | Proprietor of Anderson's Chemical Supply | 307 |
Andrews | Miss -- | 109 E High St (h/w) | Proprietor of Miss Andrews' Social Parlour | 903 |
Angley | Dr Robert | Science Hall (w) | Department of Botany, Miskatonic University | 612, TAA |
Appley | Bartholomew, IV | W Saltonstall St (h) | Dilettante, car thief | 139 |
Arley | Bert | French Hill St (h/w) | Proprietor of Arley's Boat & Bait | 505 |
Armbruster | Rev Wharton | 651 W Washington St (w) | Minister of the Arkham Reserved Congegational Church | 817 |
Armitage | Mrs Eleanor | 417 W Miskatonic Ave (h) | Wife of Henry Armitage | 623, 808 |
Armitage | Dr Henry | 417 W Miskatonic Ave (h) Orne Library (w) | Director of the Orne Library, Miskatonic University | 623, 808 |
Armwright | Dr Chester | 676 W College St (w) | Dean of Medicine, Miskatonic University | 609 |
Arthur | Douglas | 378 S West St (w) | Miskatonic University track & field coach | 608 |
Ashbourne | Master Bobby | 298 W High Lane (w) | Western Union telegram messenger | 132 |
Ashley | Dr Ferdinand C | Liberal Arts Building (w) | Department of Ancient History, Miskatonic University | 615 |
Asker | Jacob | East St & River St (w) | Blacksmith, livery stable proprietor | 511, TAA |
Atwater | Henry | 259 S Garrison St (w) | Botany student at Miskatonic University, sales assistant at Almen's Flowers | TC |
Atwood | Prof Donald | Science Hall (w) | Department of Physics, Miskatonic University | 612 |
Avery | Fenner | 185 W Main St (w) | Tobacconist | 425 |
Babson | Miss Eunice | Crowninshield Manor (h/w) | Housemaid | 1012 |
Bacon | Everett | -- | Bootlegger | DITW |
Ballard | Harvey | High Lane & Peabody Ave (w) | Car salesman, driving instructor | 229 |
Beckworth | Robert "Little Bob", Jr | 350 W Armitage St (w) 411 W High St (f) | Financier, property developer, proprietor of the Beckworth Development Co | 812, DON |
Beemis | Harold | Itinerant | Tramp, coven member | 1007 |
Benito | Lou | 620 S French Hill St (f) | Gang lieutenant | 913 |
Benson | Jasper | 276 E Main St (w) | Grocer | 452 |
Bethnell | Dr Abram | Liberal Arts Building (w) | Chairman of the Department of Anthropology, Miskatonic University | 615 |
Billings | Dr Morris | Science Hall (w) | Department of Astronomy, Miskatonic University | 612, TAA, THRW |
Bishop | Fr Archibald | 150 S Parsonage St (w) | Parish Priest of Christchurch Episcopal | 448, TAA |
Bishop | Sermon | Bishop's Bridge (f) | Ancient wizard | TC |
Bladesell | Jermyn Horton | 916 High Lane (h) | -- | TAA |
Bradbury | Robert "Bob" | 378 S West St (w) | Director of Facilities & Grounds, Miskatonic University | 608 |
Bridgeton | Lt Col Aubrey | 560 Marsh St (f) | XO, Co B, 23rd Massachusetts Volunteers | 244 |
Brown | Gordon | 350 W Armitage St (w) | Stockbroker | 118 |
Bryant | Mather | 135 E Church St (w) | Pharmacist | 445 |
Bunker | -- | 602 W Saltonstall St (w) | Whitechapel Nursing Home | TAA |
Bunden | Malcolm | 420 N Peabody Ave (w) | Bookbinder, publisher | 237 |
Cameron | Dr W E | Science Hall (w) | Dean of Physical Sciences, Miskatonic University | 612 |
Cardigan | Richard | -- | Botany student at Miskatonic University | TC |
Cartwright | Henry | 378 S West St (w) | Miskatonic University gymnastics & fencing coach | 608 |
Caselius | Lazlo | 388 W Church St (w) | Jeweller, gemcutter | 429, 427 |
Cassidy | Edwin "Ed" | 350 W Armitage St (w) | Attorney | 118 |
Chambers | Bertrand | 589 Marsh St (w) | Attorney, mob employee | 216 |
Chanson | "Dr" Delbert | 297 E College St (w) | Proprietor of the School of Positive Thinking | 717 |
Charlton | Frank | West Dormitory (h) | Philosophy student at Miskatonic University | ALK |
Chase | Dr Aaron | Liberal Arts Building (w) | Chairman of the Department of Classical Languages, Miskatonic University | 615 |
Checkley | Master Adam | -- | Son of Jason Checkley | DON |
Checkley | Jason | 633 Noyes St (h) | Former director of the Checkley Institute | DON |
Checkley | Miss Jessica | -- | Daughter of Jason Checkley | DON |
Checkley | Miss Rosemary | -- | Daughter of Jason Checkley | DON |
Christian | Miss -- | 577 Jenkin St (h/w) | Elocution teacher | 117 |
Clark | Miss Elizabeth | 276 W Saltonstall St (h/w) | Boarding house proprietor | 814 |
Cochran | Jack | -- | Bootlegger | DITW |
Corey | Dr Nathaniel | 166 E Pickman St (h) | Physician, inmate of the Larkin Institute | 902 |
Corey | Mrs -- | -- | Nathaniel Corey's wife | 902 |
Couzon | Alain | 288 Lich St (h) | Hypnotist | 716, TAA |
Craig | Lee E | 666 N Peabody Ave (w) | Municipal Attorney | 210 |
Crane | Benson | 132 E High St (h) | -- | TC |
Crane | Michael | 350 W Hyde St (w) 411 W High St (f) | Owner & managing editor of the Arkham Gazette | 108, TAA |
Crane | Mrs -- | 132 E High St (h) | Wife of Benson Crane | TC |
Crawford | Mrs Ellen | 753 Noyes St (h) | Widow | 303 |
Crossman | Willard | -- | Retired financier | DON |
Crownin | Prof Peter | Liberal Arts Building (w) | Department of English, Dean of Languages, Literature & the Arts, Miskatonic University | 615 |
Cunningham | Albert | 321 W Main St (w) | Pet shop proprietor | 419, TAA |
Czeklov | Arno | -- | Son of Peter Czeklov | TAA |
Czeklov | Peter | 679 Brown St (f) | -- | TAA |
Czeklov | Richard | -- | Son of Peter Czeklov | TAA |
Czeklov | Mrs Rosa | -- | Wife of Peter Czeklov | TAA |
Czyenck | Robert | 467 Marsh St (w) | Proprietor of the Northside Market, coven member | 228, 1007 |
Dahlberg | Gregory | 433 N Peabody Ave (w) | Manager of the Arkham Cab Co | 234 |
Delworth | August | -- | Miskatonic University student, playwright | TAA |
Dennison | -- | 148 E Armitage St (w) | Proprietor of Dennison's Ice Cream Emporium | 227 |
Derby | Mrs Asenath Waite | Crowninshield Manor (h) | Miskatonic University student | 1012, ALK |
Derby | Edward Pickman | Crowninshield Manor (h) | Poet | 803, 1012 |
Diddlebock | Harold | 551 N Peabody Ave (w) | Assistant Town Manager | TAA |
Dombrowski | -- | 197 E Pickman St (h) | Landlord of the Witch House | 711 |
Dombrowski | Mrs -- | 197 E Pickman St (h) | Landlady of the Witch House | 711 |
Donnelly | Doyle | -- | Bootlegger | DITW |
Dulagi | "Madame" -- | 648 Walnut St (h/w) | Fortune teller | 911, TAA |
Dunham | Miss Elizabeth | -- | Daughter of Emily Dunham | TAA |
Dunham | Mrs Emily Harris | -- | Widow | TAA |
Dunlap | Ed | 179 W Armitage St (w) | Vacuum cleaner salesman, Mi-Go agent | 134 |
Dyer | Dr William | Science Hall (w) | Department of Geology, Dean of Natural Sciences, Miskatonic University | 612 |
Eastman | Dr P G | Liberal Arts Building (w) | Acting Chairman of the Department of English, Miskatonic University | 615 |
Edmund | Dr David | 333 W College St (w) | Vice-President of Miskatonic University | 625 |
Eleazar | Jasper | 549 S French Hill St (w) | Undertaker | 910 |
Ellery | Dr Dewart | Charles Tyner Science Annex (w) | Department of Metallurgy, Miskatonic University | 612 |
Elwood | Frank | 197 E Pickman St (h) Science Hall (w) | Mathematics student at Miskatonic University | 711 |
Endicott | Melvin Mowry | -- | -- | TAA |
Estheridge | Mrs Mildred | 288 W High St (h) | Former co-directress of the Checkley Institute | DON |
Evans | Bernard | 237 W Main St | Optometrist | 422 |
Feldman | Dr G R | 350 W Armitage St (w) | Dentist, oral surgeon | 118 |
Fen | Dr Martin | Liberal Arts Building (w) | Chairman of the Department of History, Miskatonic University | 615 |
Fenner | Mel | Fenner's Road House (h/w) | Proprietor of Fenner's Road House | 1015 |
Flaherty | Will | -- | Bootlegger | DITW |
Flint | Abigail | 122 W Pickman St (h/w) | Manageress of the Harriet Botsford Hotel for Women | 628 |
Flint | Clell | 233 E Church St (w) | Co-proprietor of F&M Trains & Toys | 455 |
Fosworth | Brian | 276 E Main St (w) | Delivery driver for Benson's Market | DON |
Fowler | Goody -- | Old Wooded Graveyard (f) | Evil ghost | 402, 1009, AU |
Franklin | -- | 587 W Pickman St (h/w) | Boarding house proprietor | 801 |
Franklin | Mrs -- | 587 W Pickman St (h/w) | Boarding house proprietor | 801 |
Freeborn | Dr Tyler M | Liberal Arts Building (w) | Department of Anthropology, Miskatonic University | 615 |
Freen | "St Looey" Larry | 721 N Garrison St (f) | Bunko artist | 104 |
Gammell | Miss Harriet | -- | Daughter of Ruby Gammell | TAA |
Gammell | Herbert | -- | Son of Ruby Gammell | TAA |
Gammell | Hezekiah | -- | Son of Ruby Gammell | TAA |
Gammell | Mrs Ruby Dunham | -- | Daughter of Emily Dunham | TAA |
Gaspard | Jason | 131 E Saltonstall St (h) | Occultist, leader of the Eye of Amara Society | 904 |
Gedney | Harvey | 389 W Armitage St (w) | Owner & managing editor of the Arkham Advertiser | 128 |
Gedney | James | 35 W Armitage St (w) | Stockbroker | 118 |
Gianelli | Miss Catarina | -- | Daughter of Giuseppe Gianelli | TAA |
Gianelli | Mrs Elena | -- | Wife of Giuseppe Gianelli | TAA |
Gianelli | Master Francesco | -- | Son of Giuseppe Gianelli | TAA |
Gianelli | Giuseppe | -- | -- | TAA |
Gianelli | Miss Maria | -- | Daughter of Giuseppe Gianelli | TAA |
Gianelli | Master Roberto | -- | Son of Giuseppe Gianelli | TAA |
Gianelli | Master Vincenzo | -- | Son of Giuseppe Gianelli | TAA |
Gilman | Walter | 197 E Pickman St (h) Science Hall (w) | Mathematics student at Miskatonic University | 612, 711, AU |
Gilman | -- | 298 W Church St (w) | Proprietor of Gilman's Office Supplies | 431 |
Goddard | Dr Arthur | Liberal Arts Building (w) | Chairman of the Department of Fine Arts, Miskatonic University | 615 |
Golditz | Meyer | 276 W Saltonstall St (h) >200 W Main St (w) | Mob accountant, Lucky Clover Cartage Co bookkeeper | 412, 814 |
Gordon | Herb | 334 S Parsonage St (w) | Mechanic at Miskatonic University Garage | 707 |
Greely | Dr Archibald | Science Hall (w) | School of Physical Sciences, Miskatonic University | 612 |
Groat | Sgt -- | 560 Marsh St (f) | Motor Pool Sergeant, Co B, 23rd Massachusetts Volunteers | 244 |
Harden | Herbert | 226 E Main St (w) | Used bookseller | 450 |
Harden | Det Luther | 302 E Armitage St (w) | Chief of Detectives | 232 |
Harding | Mrs Grace | 561 Brown St (h/w) | Boarding house proprietor | 115 |
Harding | William "Bill" | 561 Brown St (h/w) | Boarding house proprietor | 115, TAA |
Hardstrom | Dr Eric | 225 E Derby St (w) | Director of Arkham Sanitarium | 201 |
Hardwicke | Morton | 562 Jenkin St (w) | Proprietor of Hardwicke's Stamps & Coins | 120, TAA |
Harrigan | Det Mickey | 302 E Armitage St (w) | Police detective | 232 |
Harrington | Stanley "Stan" | Arkham Airfield (w) | Proprietor of Arkham Airfield, flying instructor | 1013, TAA |
Harris | Lester | -- | Brother of Ruby Dunham | TAA |
Harris | Roy | -- | Brother of Ruby Dunham | TAA |
Harrison | Miss Henrietta | 168 W Church St (w) | Manageress of the Sears-Roebuck Catalog Store | 458 |
Hart | Maj Charles | 560 Marsh St (f) | Quartermaster, Co B, 23rd Massachusetts Volunteers | 244 |
Hartwell | Dr Morton | 507 W Miskatonic Ave (h/w) | Physician | 807 |
Haskett | Corey Derby | -- | -- | TAA |
Haskett | Miss Melissa Susanna | -- | Daughter of Corey Derby Haskett | TAA |
Haskett | Mrs -- | -- | Wife of Corey Derby Haskett | TAA |
Hathorne | Col William | 560 Marsh St (f) | CO, Co B, 23rd Massachusetts Volunteers | 244 |
Hayes | Dr Hamlin | Charles Tyner Science Annex (w) Kingsport Head (w) | Department of Electrical Engineering, Miskatonic University | 612, KH |
Hearne | Alex | 488 W High Lane (h) | Mugger | 130 |
Heath | Kenneth | 136 E Curwen St (h/w) | Private investigator | 204 |
Heingrapper | "Bucky" | Arkham Airfield (w) | Aircraft & motor mechanic | 1013 |
Helcimer | Danté | 587 W Pickman St (h) | Mythos scholar | 801 |
Henderson | Mrs Emily | 551 N Peabody Ave (f) | Selectwoman for Easttown Ward | TAA |
Henry | Miss Roberta | 389 W Armitage St (w) | Reporter on the Arkham Advertiser | 128, TAA |
Hope | Mrs Nina Williams | 374 W Curwen St (h) | -- | TC |
Hopkins | Adam | 378 S West St (w) | Miskatonic University basketball coach | 608 |
Iwanicki | Fr Casimir | 522 Walnut St (w) | Parish Priest of St Stanislaus Catholic Church | 906 |
Jaywil | Malvina | W Church St (w) | Bookseller | 434 |
Jenkin | Eldon | 550 E Main St (w) | Principal of the East Public High School | 508 |
Johnston | William Danvers | 150 E Hyde St (w) 411 W High St (f) | Vice-President of Arkham First National Bank, coven member | 1007 |
Jones | B F | 244 E Main St (w) | Ironmonger | 451 |
Kanum | Donald | 378 S WEst St (w) | Director of Physical Education, Miskatonic University | 608 |
Keats | Capt William | 302 E Armitage St (w) | Police executive officer | 232 |
Keenan | -- | 152 E College St (w) | Laundry proprietor | 709 |
Kilbraith | Dr George | Liberal Arts Building (w) | Chairman of the Department of Philosophy, Miskatonic University | 615 |
Lake | Dr Percy | Science Hall (w) | School of Biology, Miskatonic University | 612 |
Larkin | Janet | 551 N Peabody Ave (w) | Town Clerk | 221 |
Larkin | Dr Parker | 166 E Pickman St (w) | Psychiatrist, Director & proprietor of the Larkin Institute | 902 |
LaRue | Abigail | W Miskatonic Ave (h/w) | Housemaid, coven member | 1007 |
Leary | Eddie | 200 W Main St (w) | Mob enforcer, Lucky Clover Cartage Co foreman | 412, DITW |
Lillibridge | George | 561 Brown St (h) | Surveyor | 115 |
Liou | Pin | 443 Fish St (h/w) | Tattooist | 238 |
Llanfer | Dr Wilfred | Orne Library (w) | Assistant Director of the Orne Library, Miskatonic University | 623 |
Logan | Off Robert E | 302 E Armitage St (w) | POlice officer | DON |
Lyman | Sawyer | 350 W Armitage St (w) | Tower Building nightwatchman | 118 |
Mackey | Mrs Catherine Marsh | -- | Daughter of Joshua Marsh | TAA |
McNeely | Mike | 433 N Peabody Ave (w) | Cab driver | TC |
Malkowski | Dr Stanley | 574 Walnut St (h) | Physician | 907 |
Malloy | John | 205 W Main St (w) | Clock dealer & repairer | 423 |
Manelli | Alberto | 307 W Main St (w) | Music store proprietor, baritone, singing teacher | 420 |
Manton | Joel | 180 W Lich St (h) 601 W Main St (w) | Superintendent of Public Schools | 403, 406, 508 |
Manton | -- | 350 W Armitage St (w) | Realtor | 118, TAA |
Markham | Caleb | 206 E Main St (w) | Locksmith | 449 |
Marsh | Becknell | -- | Son of Joshua Marsh | TAA |
Marsh | Master Charles | -- | Son of Perkins Marsh | TAA |
Marsh | Mrs Ida May | -- | Wife of Joshua Marsh | TAA |
Marsh | Jedediah | 622 Jenkin St (w) | Attorney | 110 |
Marsh | Jeremiah | -- | At sea, son of Joshua Marsh | TAA |
Marsh | Joshua | -- | -- | TAA |
Marsh | Matthew Dana | -- | Son of Joshua Marsh | TAA |
Marsh | Perkins | -- | Son of Jedediah Marsh | TAA |
Marsh | -- | 172 W Church St (w) | Proprietor of Marsh's Confectionery | 436 |
Marsh | Mrs -- | -- | Wife of Perkins Marsh | TAA |
Martelle | Dean | 233 E Church St (w) | Co-proprietor of F&M Trains & Toys | 455 |
Maruzzo | Luca | 348 S Sentinel St (w) | Proprietor of the Southside Gym, boxing trainer | 720 |
Mason | Keziah | 197 E Pickman St (f) Orne's Gangway (f) Unvisited Island (f) | Ancient witch | 409, 711, 722, 1007, AU |
Mehler | -- | 171 Lich St (w) | Undertaker | 705 |
Merton | Richard | 6-- W Main St (h) | -- | TC |
Merton | Mrs -- | 6-- W Main St (h) | -- | TC |
Miller | Dr Conrad | Science Hall (w) | Dean of Biology, Miskatonic University | 612 |
Miro | Mrs Bettina Czeklov | -- | Daughter of Peter Czeklov | TAA |
Morency | Fr Anthony | 554 S French Hill St (w) | Parish Priest of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Church | 909 |
Morgan | Dr Francis | Liberal Arts Building (w) Chapman Farm (f) Arkham Airfield (f) | Chairman of the Department of Archaeology, Miskatonic University | 615 |
Muelhig | Dr Heinrich T | 555 Marsh St (h/w) | Psychoanalyst | 219 |
Murray | Arthur | 333 W Main St (w) | Dance teacher | 418 |
Nangelo | Miss Vittoria | -- | Student at Miskatonic University | ALK |
Neeley | -- | W Miskatonic Ave (h) | -- | 1007 |
Neeley | Mrs -- | W Miskatonic Ave (h) | -- | 1007 |
Nichols | Chief Asa | High St (h) 302 E Armitage St (w) 679 Brown St (f) 650 N Garrison St (f) Chapman Farm (f) | Chief of Police | 232, 416 |
Nichols | Mrs Orrette | High St (h) | Chief's wife | 232 |
Noyes | Abbot | 520 Jenkin St (w) | Co-proprietor of the Worldwide Clipping Service | TAA |
Noyes | Bradbury | 520 Jenkin St (w) | Co-proprietor of the Worldwide Clipping Service | TAA |
Noyes | Rev Charles | 214 Lich St (w) | Minister of the First Baptist Church of Arkham | 715 |
Noyes | Jeffery | 115 E Curwen St (h) | -- | TC |
O'Bannion | Daniel "Danny" | 111 W Pickman St (h) 200 W Main St (w) | Mobster, Lucky Clover Cartage Co proprietor | 412, 718, 810, AU, K113, TAA |
O'Brian | Miss Hattie | 276 W Saltonstall St (h) 428 W Church St (w) | Boutique proprietor, seamstress | 428, 814, TAA |
O'Brien | Thom | -- | Bootlegger | DITW |
Owen | Claude | West Dormitory (h) 676 W College St (w) | Medical student at Miskatonic University | ALK |
Pabodie | Dr Frank H | 587 W Pickman St (h) Charles Tyner Science Annex (w) | Department of Engineering, Miskatonic University | 612, 801 |
Parkinson | Elihu "Flip" | 378 S West St (w) | Miskatonic University football coach | 608, TAA |
Parrington | Edward | 417 W Main St (w) Chapman Farm (f) | Gunsmith | 416 |
Peabody | Dr Allen | Liberal Arts Building (w) | Chairman of the Department of Modern Languages, Miskatonic University | 615 |
Peabody | E Lapham | 531 S Garrison St (w) | Curator of the Arkham Historical Society | 901 |
Peabody | Miss Elizabeth | 670 Gedney St (f) | Mayor's daughter, amateur actress | 109 |
Peabody | Joseph | 551 N Peabody Ave (f) 411 W High St (f) | Mayor of Arkham | 221, TAA |
Peabody | Miss Wilma | 111 W College St (f) | President of Arkham SPCA, Mayor's sister | 627 |
Peaslee | Prof Nathaniel Wingate | 588 Crane St (h) Liberal Arts Building (w) | Department of Economics & Sociometrics, Miskatonic University | 606, 615, 805, AU |
Peaslee | Dr Wingate | 588 Crane St (h) Science Hall (w) Arkham Airfield (f) | Department of Psychology, Miskatonic University | 606, 612, 1013 |
Peck | Willard | 350 W Hyde St (w) | Chief reporter of the Arkham Gazette | 108 |
Penobscott | Howard | 333 W College St (w) | Miskatonic University student, managing editor of The Miskatonic University Cryer | 625 |
Perkins | Edwin White, III | 131 E Saltonstall St (f) | Dilettante, coven member | 1007 |
Petrucci | Aldo | 708 French Hill St (w) | Barber | 916 |
Phelps | Howard Whipple | -- | -- | TAA |
Phelps | Miss Lucy | -- | Daughter of Howard Whipple Phelps | TAA |
Phelps | Mrs -- | -- | Wife of Howard Whipple Phelps | TAA |
Phillips | Retribution "Grampa" | Phillips Farm (h) | Pensioner | TC |
Pickering | Alexander | -- | -- | TAA |
Pierce | Alexander | 648 Federal St (h) | Antiquarian | TC |
Pierce | Ammi | Pierce Farm (h/w) | Farmer | 1011 |
Pierce | Miss Anita | 665 W Church St (w) | Principal of Arkham Public High School | 603 |
Pike | -- | 338 W Church St (w) | Gentlemen's outfitter, tailor | 430 |
Pinter | Dr Bill | 184 E Saltonstall St (h/w) | Veterinarian | 905 |
Portman | Stewart | 299 W Pickman St (h) | Dilettante, book collector, rapist | 809 |
Potrello | Giuseppe "Joe" | 620 S French Hill St (f) | Gangster | 913, AU |
Potts | Elijah | 113 S Boundary St (h/w) | Monumental mason | 405 |
Putnam | Janice | 531 S Garrison St (w) | Receptionist at the Arkham Historical Society | TC |
Randall | Keezar | 666 N Peabody Ave (w) 411 W High St (f) | Municipal Judge | 210, 812 |
Rankowitz | Ruby | 488 W High Lane (w) | Chambermaid at the Borden Arms | DON |
Rice | Prof Warren | Liberal Arts Building (w) | Acting Chairman of the Department of Classical Languages, Miskatonic University | 615 |
Rodney | Miss -- | 511 Gedney St (w) | Clerk at E. E. Saltonstall & Associates | TAA |
Ropes | Lester | 531 S Garrison St (w) | Librarian of the Arkham Historical Society | TC |
Rosen | David | Liberal Arts Building (w) | Artist-in-residence at Miskatonic University | 615 |
Saltonstall | E. E. | 511 Gedney St (w) | Attorney | 123, TAA |
Sander | Pete | 443 N Garrison St (w) | Proprietor of Sander's Wax Museum, portrait photographer, signpainter | 136 |
Sargent | Mrs Abigail | Crowninshield Manor (h/w) | Servant | 1012 |
Sargent | Moses | Crowninshield Manor (h/w) | Servant | 1012 |
Schmidt | Gunther | 137 N Sentinel St (h/w) | Glazier | 510, TAA |
Shalad | Dr Moamar | 622 Brown St (h) Liberal Arts Building (w) | Chairman of the Department of Oriental Studies, Miskatonic University | 106, 615 |
Shear | Prof Harold | 680 W Miskatonic Ave (h) Science Hall (w) | Chairman of the Department of Chemistry, Miskatonic University | 612, 816 |
Shear | Master Jonathan | 680 W Miskatonic Ave (h) | Harold Shear's son, arsonist | 816 |
Shear | Mrs -- | 680 W Miskatonic Ave (h) | Harold Shear's wife | 816 |
Sheehan | -- | 411 Fish St (w) | Proprietor of Sheehan Contractor Supply | 239 |
Sheene | Fr Paul | 432 Lich St (w) | Parish Priest of St Michael's Catholic Church | 718 |
Shepley | Ritter | 715 Dyer St (w) | Manager or proprietor of the Fleetwood Diner | TAA |
Shrewsbury | Dr Laban | 498 W Curwen St (h) | Anthropologist | 103, AU, TAA |
Sills | Bobby | 267 E Church St (h) 200 W Main St (w) | Mob lieutenant | 412, 456, DITW |
Sinderwald | Dr Garrison | 567 Marsh St (w) | Physician, cosmetic surgeon | 218 |
Skinner | Bert | -- | -- | TAA |
Slocum | Darrell | 551 N Peabody Ave (w) | Town Manager | 221, 1007 |
Slocum | Mrs Marla | 428 W Church St (w) | Saleslady at Hattie's Boutique, coven member | 1007 |
Smith | Mrs Ellen Whipple | 450 S West St (w) | Nurse at St Mary's Hospital, coven member | 1007 |
Smith | Miss Georgia | 374 W Curwen St (w) | Housemaid | TC |
Smith | Mrs Harriet | 288 Lich St (h/w) | Boarding house proprietor | 716 |
Smith | Phineas | 288 Lich St (h/w) | Boarding house proprietor | 716 |
Spaulding | George | 551 N Peabody Ave (f) | Selectman for Uptown Ward | TAA |
Spencer | Rev Dr Willet | 656 Federal St (w) | Minister of the First Unitarian Church of Arkham | 303 |
Sprague | Dr Ephraim | 350 W Armitage St (w) | Physician, Essex County Medical Examiner | 118, K301 |
Stewart | Gerald | 211 E Church St (w) | Proprietor, Stewart's Caravan | 454 |
Stieglitz | Elliot | 350 W Armitage St (w) | Insurance broker | 118 |
Stieglitz | Michael | 350 W Armitage St (w) | Insurance broker | 118 |
Stoll | Donald | Kingsport Head (w) | Graduate student, Department of Electrical Engineering, Miskatonic University | KH |
Stuckey | Det Ray | 302 E Armitage St (w) | Police detective, mob employee | 232 |
Sutton | Rev Dr Eben | 651 W Saltonstall St (w) | Minister of the First Presbyterian Church of Arkham | 806 |
Swain | Daniel | 665 W Church St (w) | Teacher at Arkham Public High School, coven member | 1007 |
Sykes | Abel | High Lane & Peabody Ave (w) | Proprietor, Phillips 66 Station | 235 |
Szymanski | Mrs -- | 574 Walnut St (h/w) | Boarding house proprietor | 907 |
Taranowski | -- | 511 Brown St (w) 157 E Church St (w) | Baker | 116, 446 |
Thorne | Mrs Melissa | Halsey St (h/w) | Prostitute | 310 |
Thurber | Howard Atchison | W Derby St (h) 679 Brown St (f) 650 N Garrison St (f) | Retired associate professor of engineering, Miskatonic University | TAA |
Tillinghast | Edwin "Ed" | 588 Gedney St (w) | Rare bookseller, historian | 124, DON, TAA |
Tillinghast | George | 261 W Main St (w) | Antique dealer, historian | 421 |
Tilstrom | Miss Jennifer | -- | Coven member | 1007 |
Torsten | Miss Sheila | 157 E Church St (w) | Assistant at Taranowski's Bakery, coven member | 446, 1007 |
Trout | Ernie | Armitage St & Garrison St (w) | Newsvendor, information broker | 135 |
Turner | Mrs Alice | Liberal Arts Building (w) 670 Gedney St (f) | Director of Theater, Miskatonic University | 615 |
Turner | Dr Allen | 350 W Armitage St (w) | Physician, psychoanalyst | 118 |
Updike | Bob | 224 W Church St (w) | Co-proprietor of The University Shop | TAA |
Updike | Jerry | 224 W Church St (w) | Co-proprietor of The University Shop | TAA |
Upham | Dr Hiram | Science Hall (w) | Chairman of the Astor Department of Mathematics, Miskatonic University | 612 |
Upton | Daniel | 662 W Saltonstall St (h) | Architect | 803 |
Upton | Mrs -- | 662 W Saltonstall St (h) | Daniel Upton's wife | 803 |
Upton | Master -- | 662 W Saltonstall St (h) | Daniel Upton's son | 803 |
Valencia | Robert | 197 W Main St (w) | Proprietor of The Radio Center, radio repairer, radio ham, record saleman | 424 |
Vandervelden | Reid | 387 W Armitage St | Co-proprietor of The Desolate Highway Café | 129 |
Ver Hoven | Andreas | 451 W Main St (w) | Art gallery owner, restorer | 414 |
Wade | Randle | 682 Marsh St (w) | Proprietor of the Diamond Credit Agency, pawnbroker, fence | 207 |
Wainscott | Dr Harvey | 333 W College St (w) | President of Miskatonic University | 625, TAA |
Waite | Elisha | 288 Lich St (h) 478 W Church St (w) | Gold & silversmith | 427, 716 |
Walden | Mike | -- | Bootlegger | DITW |
Waldron | Dr Cecil | Science Hall (w) | Miskatonic University Campus Physician | 612 |
Waldron | Dr Morton | 676 W College St (w) | School of Medicine, Miskatonic University | ALK |
Wallace | Rev Dr Ezekiel | 640 Marsh St (w) | Pastor of the Asbury ME Church | 206 |
Walters | Timothy "Tim" | 131 W Main St (w) | Proprietor of Walters' Optics & Fancy Toys, astronomer | 426, TAA |
Warden | Dr Alex | Science Hall (w) 131 E Saltonstall St (f) | Assistant Professor of Psychology, Miskatonic University | 612 |
Weilder | Gregor | 191 N French Hill St (h/w) | Glassblower | 506 |
Westgate | Dr Anthony | Liberal Arts Building (w) | Chairman of the Department of Economics & Sociometrics, Miskatonic University | 615 |
Whitby | Miss Ruth Ellen | 333 W College St (w) | Registrar of Miskatonic University | 625 |
White | Humphrey | 233 S Parsonage St | -- | TC |
White | James Allen | 511 Gedney St (w) | Attorney, coven member | 1007 |
White | Mrs -- | 233 S Parsonage St (h) | Wife of Humphrey White | TC |
Whitman | Dr Stanley | Liberal Arts Building (w) | Department of English, Miskatonic University | 615 |
Whitmarsh | Miss Ellen | 630 Marsh St (w) | Librarian of Arkham Public Library | 208 |
Whittaker | Eli | 487 N Peabody Ave (w) | Postmaster | 233 |
Wilcox | Dr Harvey | Liberal Arts Building (w) | Department of History, Dean of History & the Social Sciences, Miskatonic University | 615 |
Williams | "Biff" | West Dormitory (h) | Student at Miskatonic University | ALK |
Willoughby | Ed | 270 S West St (w) | Foreman on Jonathan Edwards Hall | TAA |
Wilmarth | Prof Albert N | 118 W Saltonstall St (h) Liberal Arts Building (w) | Department of English, Miskatonic University | 615, 815, AU |
Wilson | Hagan | 615 S French St (h) 131 E Saltonstall St (f) | Artist | 914 |
Wilson | Dr Horton | 522 W Saltonstall St (h/w) | Physician | 805 |
Winkler | Mrs Edith | 195 E Church St (h/w) | Proprietor of the Arkham Gift Shop | 447 |
Winside | Dr Homer | 259 S Garrison St (w) | Proprietor of Almen's Flowers, botanist | 703 |
Woodbridge | Dr Gammell | Charles Tyner Science Annex (w) | Department of Engineering, Miskatonic University | 612 |
Woodward | Ben | 148 E Main St (w) | Proprietor of Markwil's Theatrical Supply | 443 |
Wvinch | Gerrhardt | 611 Gedney St (h) | Medium | 111, TAA |
1 (f) = frequents, (h) = home, (w) = work
2 See Abbreviations for Sources below
Abbreviations for Sources
Note that I've been playing and collecting CoC books a long time. The books listed will generally be the first edition unless otherwise noted. H. P. Lovecraft's Arkham, for example, has changed many of the addresses of businesses in the town, but those on my list are the old addresses.
Abbreviation | Scenario etc | Book |
101-1015 | Gazetteer | Arkham Unveiled |
ALK | "A Little Knowledge" | Arkham Unveiled |
AU | Introductory chapters | Arkham Unveiled |
DITW | Dead in the Water | Kingsport: The City in the Mists |
DON | "Dead of Night" | Arkham Unveiled |
K | Gazetteer | Kingsport: The City in the Mists |
KH | Kingsport Head | Kingsport: The City in the Mists |
TAA | The Arkham Advertiser (insert) | Arkham Unveiled |
TC | "The Condemned" | Arkham Unveiled |
THRW | "The Hills Rise Wild" | Arkham Unveiled |
With Lovecraft, or with those who write in his vein, it may be best to view character names with some suspicion, as possibly having some erudite meaning buried in them as a clue.
ReplyDeleteTake for instance Mrs. Melissa Thorne of Halsey Street, described solely as "Prostitute."
Mrs. Thorne's given name was in fact the title of the "divine prostitutes": the Melissai (honeybees) were the priestesses of the cult of Aprodite, while both the High Priestess and the Goddess herself (giver of the Great Sweetness, Love) were addressed as "Melissa."
Meanwhile, the rune Thorn Þ has been associated with the male genital (thus the slang term "prick"), an interesting note following a name that means "honeybee" given that bees also have stings.
Mrs. Melissa Thorne may be much more than she appears. A priestess, perhaps, and a powerful one.
Although the whole point of Arkham is that by and large it is a normal town which just happens to play host to some odd goings-on. If every individual had some Mythos significance it would, I think, detract from the normality which contrasts so starkly with the Mythos. In my Arkham (and, indeed, in Keith Herber's Arkham, and almost certainly in Lovecraft's Arkham too), the vast majority of the inhabitants are ordinary people with ordinary jobs leading ordinary lives.
ReplyDeleteFrom a distance.
ReplyDeleteAnd until they dream....
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